This article will help you to write and publish your research paper. For Research Scholars doing PhD it is mandatory to publish there research papers at international level journals. And Many of the students who will apply for further studies in technical courses will discover that relevant published research papers help during admission process. So here we are trying to post some guidelines that you can follow
- Preliminary
- Read existing Papers
- A jump start
- Simulation softwares easies
- Essence of your work
- Anatomy of Paper
The first activity for publishing a technical paper is to figure out your technical area of interest. Make sure the you had carried out enough studies on basics of that topic. Then you have you to update yourself with the ongoing technical happenings in your chosen field. You can do this by
1) Reading and googling a lot of technical papers. There are a lot of journals papers floating around in net.
2) Go to one or more conferences, listen carefully to the best talks, and find out what people are thinking about.
Once you are done with the above mentioned steps, then you are eligible for writing a paper
Read everything that might be relevant gives you different perspective of the focus topic. But be selective too, for not getting to much deviated from you topic of interest. Getting used to simulation software is much useful for simulating your work. You can find a lot of time during the days and utilize those holidays & free days.
When you first start reading up on a new field, ask your fellow researcher what the most useful journals and conference proceedings are in your field, and ask for a list of important papers that you should read. This activity will give you a jump start.
Please don’t pick overly ambitious topics; instead identify a realistic size problem. Gather the Matlab files available in the Internet that is related to your topic and simulate it for the claimed results. Please don’t expect the Mfiles readily available for a solution published in a paper. But you can make it of your own by modifying and adding. Believe me, Matlab is a very easy tool! Once you are able to get the simulated outputs of your solution, you can carry on for making a paper out of it.
The essence of your work can be diagnosed by analyzing below listed points. We can increase the maturity of the paper by improving these.
Significance: Why was this work done? Did you solve an important problem of current interest or is it an obscure or obsolete problem?
Originality/Novelty: Is your approach novel or is it tried-and-true? Did you need to develop new tools, either analytical or physical?
Completeness: Have you tested a wide range of scenarios, or is this just a simple proof-of-concept?
Correct: Is your solution technically sound or are there errors? Consider improving the same.
Generally a paper has seven sections and a maximum of four pages. They are 1. Abstract 2. Introduction, 3. Existing techniques, 4. Your contribution, 5. Results and 6. Conclusion. 11. The procedure